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Evaporator Core: Service and Repair

1. Remove the evaporator case from the vehicle.
2. Remove six screws attaching the dash panel gasket to the right half of the evaporator case.
3. Remove the heat shield from the bottom of the evaporator case.
4. Remove seven screws attaching the two halves of the evaporator case together.
5. Separate the two halves of the evaporator case and remove the evaporator core and mounting bracket.
6. Disconnect the suction accumulator/drier inlet from the evaporator core outlet tube.
7. Remove the retaining screw from the suction accumulator/drier and evaporator core mounting brackets.


NOTE: When replacing the evaporator core in a refrigerant system that contains a six cylinder aluminum compressor, a measured quantity of refrigerant oil should be added to the core to assure that the total oil charge in the system is correct before the system is operated. Three fluid ounces of clean 500 viscosity refrigerant oil should be poured directly into the inlet pipe of the replacement core with the pipe held vertically so the oil will drain into the core.

1. Attach the suction accumulator/drier to the evaporator core mounting brackets with a retaining screw.
2. Install a new 0-ring lubricated with clean, specified refrigerant oil and connect the accumulator/drier inlet to the outlet tube of the evaporator core. Tighten using a back-up wrench to prevent component damage.

Evaporator Core Removal:

3. Position the evaporator core to the right half of the evaporator case.
4. Apply caulking cord D9AZ-19560-A or equivalent sealer to the case flange and around the evaporator core tubes.
5. Position the evaporator case left half and dash panel gasket to the case right half.
6. Install seven screws to attach the two halves of the case together. The center screw on the front of the case also attaches the support strap.
7. Install six screws to attach the dash panel gasket to the case right half.
8. Install a new heat shield on the bottom of the evaporator case assembly and transfer the sensor air scoop to the new dash panel gasket.
9. Install the evaporator case in the vehicle.