Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


1. Thoroughly clean front of compressor.
2. Mount clutch field coil on compressor with electrical connector on top and slots in coil engaging housing lugs.
3. Align pulley bearing with boss on compressor head, then slide pulley and bearing assembly onto compressor. The bearing should be a slip fit on compressor head when properly aligned. However, if difficulty is encountered when installing bearing and pulley assembly, lightly tap assembly using driver T80L-19703-J or equivalent and a light hammer.
4. Apply suitable thread locking compound to threads of pulley retaining nut. Install nut and torque to 56-70 ft. lbs. using a suitable spanner wrench.
5. Mount clutch hub shims and clutch on compressor, ensuring drive key is properly aligned with keyway, then press hub into position using tool No. T80L-19703-F or equivalent. Do not attempt to drive clutch hub onto shaft, as compressor will be damaged.
6. Install hub retaining nut and torque to 10-14 ft. lbs.
7. Check air gap between hub and pulley mating surface at three equally spaced positions and record the readings.
8. Rotate pulley one-half turn and repeat step 7.
9. If smallest measured air gap is not within specifications, replace hub shims as needed to obtain specified clearance.