Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


Fig. 16 Compressor supported in vise:

1. Drain oil from compressor through manifold openings.
2. Clamp compressor in suitable vise, Fig. 16, then remove clutch assembly.
3. Remove snap ring using suitable tool and clutch field coil from front of compressor.
4. Remove felt and retainer from front of compressor.

Fig. 9 Compressor shaft key removal:

5. Remove shaft key using tool T81P-19623-NH or equivalent, Fig. 9.
6. Remove shaft seal seat retaining snap ring using tool T81P 19703-T or equivalent.

Fig. 17 Compressor shaft seal seat removal:

7. Clean inner bore of compressor nose and using tool T87P-19623-B or equivalent, remove shaft seal seat, Fig. 17.

Fig. 18 Compressor shaft seal removal:

8. Remove shaft seal using tool T87P-19623-C or equivalent, Fig. 18.
9. Holding rear head in position on compressor, remove five cylinder bolts.

Fig. 19 Disassembled view of compressor.:

10. Remove rear head, head gasket, rear valve plate, reed valve and dowel pins from compressor, Fig. 19.
11. Remove front head, head gasket, front valve plate, reed valve and dowel pins from compressor, Fig. 19.