Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Preliminary Checkout, Equipment & Notes


^ Visually inspect the engine compartment to ensure all vacuum hoses and spark plug wires are properly routed and securely connected.

^ Examine all wiring harnesses and connectors for insulation damage, burned, overheated, loose, or broken conditions.

^ Be certain the battery is fully charged.

^ All accessories should be off during diagnosis.


Obtain the following test equipment or an equivalent:

^ Spark Tester, Special Service Tool D81P-6666-A. See note.

^ Volt/Ohm Meter Rotunda 014-00407.

^ 12 Volt Test Light.

^ Small straight pin.

^ Remote Starter Switch.
^ TFI Ignition Tester, Rotunda 105-00003.


^ A spark plug with a broken side electrode is not sufficient to check for spark and may lead to incorrect results.

^ When instructed to inspect a wiring harness, both a visual inspection and a continuity test should be performed.

^ When making measurements on a wiring harness or connector, it is good practice to wiggle the wires while measuring.

^ References to pin-in-line connector apply to shorting bar type connector used to set base timing.
^ This procedure is intended to identify faulty components or wiring while the fault is present. If the complaint is of an intermittent condition refer to Intermittent Diagnosis.