Fig. 156 Rear Speed Sensor Removal:
1. Turn air suspension switch in luggage compartment to Off position.
2. Disconnect sensor connector in luggage compartment, then push rubber grommet through sheet metal floorpan.
3. Raise and support vehicle, then remove retaining clips for sensor wire and remove the wire from routing position.
4. Loosen sensor retaining screw at caliper anchor plate, then remove sensor.
5. Install spring replacement tool No. T88P-5310-A or equivalent on front suspension arm, then using 3/4 inch breaker bar, lower arm to provide clearance for sensor connector, Fig. 9.
1. With suspension arm lowered, thread sensor wire connector through opening above arm.
2. Install front suspension arm, then align sensor with mounting holes on caliper anchor plate. Torque sensor retainer screw to 40-60 inch lbs.
3. Position sensor wire in routing position, then install retaining clips.
4. Thread sensor connector through hole in floorpan. Push center portion of rubber grommet on sensor wire until properly seated.
5. Connect electrical connector in luggage compartment and turn On air suspension switch.