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Idle Speed: Adjustments


1. Place automatic transmission in PARK.
2. Engine OFF, back out throttle plate stop screw clear off the throttle lever pad.
3. With a .010 in. feeler gauge between the throttle plate stop screw and throttle lever pad turn the screw in until contact is made then turn it an additional 1-1/2 turns for High Output, 1-7/8 turns for base engine.
4. Shut engine OFF and disconnect battery for 5 minutes minimum.
5. Start engine and stabilize for 2 minutes then goose the engine and let it return to idle, lightly depress and release the accelerator let engine idle. If idle problem still exists check for other possible causes.
6. On Automatic Overdrive Transmission (AOD) applications or Automatic Transaxle (AXOD) application check Throttle Valve (TV) adjustment.