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Brake Pad: Service and Repair


1. Remove brake fluid until reservoir is half full.
2. Raise and support front of vehicle, then remove wheel and tire assembly.
3. Remove caliper locating pins.
4. Lift caliper assembly from adapter plate, then remove outer shoe from caliper assembly. On some models, slip shoe down caliper leg until clip is disengaged.
5. Remove inner shoe and lining assembly. On some models, pull shoe straight out of piston. This should require a force as high as 20-30 lbs.
6. Suspend caliper from inner fender housing with wire to avoid damaging brake hose.
7. Remove and discard locating pin insulators and plastic sleeves.


Fig. 10 Outer Brake Shoe Installation On Caliper:

1. Using a 4 inch C-clamp and a block of wood 2-3/4 x 1 inch and approximately 3/4 inch thick, seat caliper piston in bore, then remove C-clamp and wooden block. On some models, the piston is made of phenolic material. Do not seat piston in bore by applying C-clamp directly to piston. Extra care must be taken during this procedure to prevent damage to the piston. Metal or sharp objects cannot come into direct contact with the piston or damage may result.
2. Install locating pin insulators and plastic sleeves on caliper housing. Ensure insulators and sleeves are properly positioned.
3. Install inner shoe and lining assembly on caliper piston, Fig. 9. Some inner brake shoes are marked LH (left hand) and RH (right hand) and must be installed on the proper caliper. Use care to not bend spring clips too far during installation in piston, otherwise distortion and rattles may result.
4. Install outer brake shoe and lining assembly, Fig. 10. Ensure that shoes are installed on proper caliper. Make sure that clip and buttons on shoe are properly seated. The outer shoe can be identified as left hand and right hand by the wear indicator which must be installed toward front of vehicle.
5. Install locating pins. On Ford Crown Victoria, Mercury Grand Marquis, Lincoln Town Car, Cougar, Mark VII, Mustang, Thunderbird, Escort, Tempo, Topaz, Sable, Taurus and Lincoln Continental torque locating pins to specification.
6. Refill master cylinder, then install wheel and tire assembly and lower vehicle.
7. Pump brake pedal several times to position brake linings before moving vehicle.