Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.



Thrust Washer And Needle Bearing Location:

NOTE: Refer to the Thrust Washer And Needle Bearing Location image during assembly procedure.

1. Place case in horizontal position, then install drive sprocket support and six attaching bolts and torque bolts.
2. Install converter oil seal using converter oil seal replacer T86P-70401-A or T87L-77837-AH or equivalent. Ensure garter spring is installed on seal.
3. Install RH output shaft seal using output shaft seal replacer T86P-1177-B or equivalent. Ensure garter spring is installed on seal.

Installing Tools Over RH Output Shaft Opening:

4. Install tools as shown in the Installing Tools Over RH Output Shaft Opening image, over RH output shaft opening. Tool will be used later to perform selective thrust washer checks.
5. Install No. 19 needle bearing over case boss with flat side facing up and outer lip facing down.
6. Install final drive ring gear with external splines up, then using a suitable hammer, tap assembly to fully seat into case splines.

Final Drive Assembly:

7. Assemble the following final drive assembly components as follows:
a. Governor drive gear.
b. Differential assembly.
c. Final drive sun gear.
d. Parking gear.
e. No. 16 needle bearing.
f. Rear planetary support.
g. No. 15 needle bearing.
8. Place No. 18 selective thrust washer on differential assembly using grease to hold in position, then lower final drive assembly into case.
9. Install snap ring and align end of snap ring with low-intermediate band anchor pin.

Rear Lube Tube Seal Installation:

10. Install new rear lube tube using rear lube tube tool No. T91P-76085-A or equivalent, drive in seal until makes firm contact with rear support.

Measuring Case To To Rear Support Clearance:

11. Using suitable 0.005 feeler gauge, measure clearance between case and rear support through snap ring opening, if gauge passes between seal and rear support, seal is not fully seated, repeat step 10.
12. Check No. 18 selective thrust washer end clearance as follows:

Measuring No. 18 Selective Thrust Washer And Clearance:

a. Install dial gauge as shown in the Measuring No. 18 Selective Thrust Washer And Clearance image.
b. Back out screw on tool installed in step 4 until it no longer touches shaft.
c. Zero dial indicator, then tighten screw to 35-44 in lbs and note indicator reading.
d. If clearance is not within 0.004-0.025 inch, replace selective thrust washer. Thrust washers are available in the following thicknesses: 0.O49-0.O45 inch orange; 0.O59-0.O55 inch purple; 0.069-0.065 inch yellow.
e. After installing correct thrust washer, recheck clearance.
f. Back off screw on tool and leave tool in position for No. 5 and No. 8 selective thrust washer clearance check to be performed later.
13. Position transaxle in vertical position then install park pawl, return spring, park pawl shaft, and locator pin.
14. Install park rod actuating lever and park rod in case.
15. Install park rod abutment and start abutment attaching bolts, then push in park pawl and locate rod between pawl and abutment.
16. Install lube tube seal in case using a suitable drift. Seal should be flush against rear support.
17. Install No. 15 needle bearing on rear planetary support.
18. Install low-intermediate band into case and position against anchor pin.
19. Install low-intermediate drum and sun gear.

Planetary Assembly:

20. Assemble the following planetary assembly components, as follows:
a. Ring gear and shell assembly.
b. Rear planetary.
c. No. 13 needle bearing.
d. Front planetary and snap ring.
21. Slide planetary assembly over output shaft.
22. Install reverse clutch assembly into case and engage clutch plate.

NOTE: To seat reverse clutch, the intermediate clutch hub can be used as a tool to complete clutch plate engagement. Rotating planet with hub will allow clutch splines to engage.

23. Start anchor pin bolt but do not tighten.

Clutch Pack Tool Installation:

24. Assemble forward, direct, and intermediate clutch assembly, then attach clutch pack tool No. T86P-70389-A or equivalent to assembly.
25. Lower clutch assembly into case, aligning shell and sun gear splines into forward planet . Ensure assembly is fully seated fore removing tool.
26. Install overdrive band into case.
27. Install plastic retainer with cross hairs facing up.
28. Check drive sprocket end clearance for No. 5 and No. 8 selective thrust washers as follows:
a. Torque screw on tool installed in step to 10 ft lbs.
b. Remove all five Teflon seals from driven sprocket support assembly, if necessary.
c. Install No. 9 needle bearing over output shaft with outer lip facing up, then the No. 8 selective thrust washer.
d. Install driven sprocket support and driven sprocket.
e. To measure No. 8 thrust washer clearance, determine if machined bolt hole surfaces on driven sprocket support are above or below case machined surface.

Measuring No. 8 Thrust Washer Clearance:

No. 8 Thrust Washer Selection Chart:

f. If machined bolt hole surfaces are above case machined surface, position depth micrometer as shown in the Measuring No. 8 Thrust Washer Clearance image. Measure distance to case machined surface at both support bolt hole machined surfaces and determine average from both reading. If reading is greater than 0.008 inch, refer to the No. 8 Thrust Washer Selection Chart, to determine correct washer. Install correct washer, repeat measurement, and record reading.

Measuring No. 5 And No. 8 Thrust Washer Clearance:

g. If machined bolt hole surfaces are below case machined surface, position d the micrometer as shown in the Measuring No. 5 And No. 8 Thrust Washer Clearance image. Measure distance to driven sprocket support machined surfaces and determine average from both readings. If reading is greater than 0.018 inch, refer to the No. 8 Thrust Washer Selection Chart, to determine correct washer. Install correct washer, repeat measurement and record reading.
h. Remove driven sprocket, driven sprocket support, No. 8 selective thrust washer, and No. 9 needle bearing.
i. Install No. 5 thrust washer on driven sprocket support, aligning tab on washer with slot in driven sprocket support. Apply suitable grease to thrust washer to help hold it in position.
j. Install driven sprocket support without No. 8 thrust washer and No. 9 needle bearing.

No. 5 Thrust Washer Selection Chart:

k. Position depth micrometer as shown in the Measuring No. 5 And No. 8 Thrust Washer Clearance image. Measure distance between driven sprocket support machined bolt hole surface and case surface. Measure at both bolt hole machined surfaces and determine average from both readings. The difference between this reading and reading for No. 8 thrust washer must be greater than zero but less than 0.033 inch. If measurement is not as specified, refer to the No. 5 Thrust Washer Selection Chart, to determine correct washer.
29. Remove driven sprocket support, then install No. 9 needle bearing and correct No. 8 thrust washer.
30. Install Teflon seals on driven sprocket support.
31. Install correct No. 5 thrust washer on driven sprocket support, then the driven sprocket support. Apply suitable grease to thrust washer to help hold in position.
32. Install manual shaft seal into case.
33. Start manual shaft through seal and slide manual detent lever onto shaft.
34. Slide manual shaft through park rod actuating lever, then tap into case hole.
35. Install new manual shaft lockpin through case hole, aligning with groove in shaft.
36. Install new roll pins in detent lever and park rod actuating lever.
37. Install No. 2 and No. 4 tabbed thrust washers onto drive and driven sprocket supports. Align tabs on thrust washers with holes in sprocket.
38. Lubricate and install input shaft case iron sealing ring onto input shaft.
39. Install chain on drive and driven sprockets, then lower assembly into sprocket supports, rotating sprockets to ensure they are fully seated.
40. Install No. 1 and No. 3 thrust washers on chain cover. Ensure tabs align with slots in chain cover.
41. Install new chain cover gasket, then the accumulator springs in their correct position.
42. Inspect chain cover alignment pins on case. Replace as required.
43. Align chain cover input shaft bore with input shaft, then apply downward pressure on chain cover to overcome accumulator spring pressure and start two chain cover attaching bolts.

CAUTION: Use caution to prevent damage to the input shaft cast iron sealing ring.

Chain Cover Bolt Tightening Sequence:

44. Start remaining chain cover attaching bolts, then torque 8 mm bolts to 7-9 ft lbs, 10 mm bolts to 20-26 ft lbs, and 13 mm bolts to 26-35 ft lbs, in the sequence shown in the Chain Cover Bolt Tightening Sequence image.

NOTE: After installing chain cover, input shaft should have some endplay and should rotate freely. If shaft does not rotate freely, remove chain cover and inspect cast iron seal for damage.

45. Torque park rod abutment attaching bolts.
46. Clean sealer from lube tubes, then install tubes in position and tap until fully seated. Apply suitable locking compound around tube to case surface.
47. Install tube retaining brackets, then two rings onto oil filter and press oil filter into case.
48. Install reverse apply tube/oil filter bracket.
49. Install new oil pan gasket on case, then the oil pan and pan attaching bolts and torque attaching bolts.
50. Install four new Teflon seals on pump driveshaft, then install driveshaft.
51. Install Throttle Valve (TV) bracket with TV link through hole in case and torque bolts.
52. Connect manual valve link to detent lever.
53. Start oil pump and valve body over pump shaft, then connect manual valve link to manual valve.
54. Press in TV plunger to clear TV bracket, then install oil pump and valve body into position.

Valve Body Bolt Tightening Sequence:

55. Install and torque 22 valve body attaching bolts in the sequence shown in the Valve Body Bolt Tightening Sequence image.
56. Install bulkhead connector into case. Ensure locking tabs on bulkhead assembly are secure.
57. Install pressure switch and solenoid electrical connectors until a slight click is felt.

Neutral Start Switch Installation:

58. With manual shaft in neutral detent, install neutral start switch by aligning switch using a No. 43 (0.89 inch) drill. Torque attaching bolts.
59. Install new oil pump and valve body cover gasket onto cover, then the cover and cover attaching bolts. Torque attaching bolts.
60. Rotate transaxle to horizontal position.
61. If the transaxle case, band assembly, drum and sun gear assembly, servo piston rod, or servo piston were replaced during assembly, perform the following overdrive and low-intermediate servo travel check:
a. Install spring in case from overdrive servo rod tool No. T86P-700023-B low-intermediate servo rod tool No. T86P-700023-A or equivalent.
b. Install servo piston and rod in case. On low-intermediate servo, install without piston seal.
c. Install overdrive servo rod tool No. T86P-700023-B or low-intermediate servo rod tool No. T86P-700023-A or equivalent and secure in case using servo cover attaching bolts and torque bolts.

Measuring Overdrive Servo Travel:

Measuring Low-intermediate Servo Travel:

d. Install suitable dial indicator and position stylus through hole in gauge disc. Ensure indicator stylus has contacted servo piston on a flat surface.
e. Zero dial indicator, then back off gauge disc screw until piston movement stops. Note indicator reading. The amount of piston travel indicated on the dial indicator will determine the rod length to be installed. Reading should be 0.070-0.149 inch for overdrive servo, 0.216-0.255 inch for low-intermediate servo if old band is used or 0.196-0.236 inch for low-intermediate servo if new band is used.
f. Select a new piston rod using the measurement obtained in step e, then install new rod and repeat check to verify amount of travel.
62. Install seals on low-intermediate servo piston.
63. Install servo pistons and spring.
64. Install overdrive servo cover and 0-ring seal, then the low-intermediate servo cover and gasket.
65. Install and torque servo cover attaching bolts.

CAUTION: Ensure to align tab on low-intermediate servo cover with pot on case. Tighten attaching bolts two or three turns at a time to prevent cocking servo cover.

66. Install dipstick tube grommet and dipstick tube in case and torque tube attaching bolt.