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Ignition Switch: Service and Repair


1. Disable airbag system as described under MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES/AIRBAG SYSTEM DISARMING.
2. Disconnect battery ground cable.
3. Remove steering column shroud.
4. Disconnect ignition switch electrical connector.
5. Rotate ignition key lock cylinder to the Run position.
6. Remove two ignition switch attaching bolts.
7. Disengage ignition switch from actuator pin.
8. Remove ignition switch.

Fig. 1 Ignition Switch Installation:


1. Adjust ignition switch by sliding carrier to Run position.
2. Ensure ignition key lock cylinder is in Run position.
3. Install ignition switch pin into actuator hole in column.
4. Install switch attaching screws and torque to 50-70 inch lbs.
5. Connect ignition switch electrical connector, Fig. 1.
6. Connect battery ground cable.
7. Check ignition switch for proper operation.
8. Install steering column shrouds.
9. Rearm airbag as described under ``Airbag System Disarming.''