Drive Pinion
1. Lubricate pinion bearings with suitable axle lubricant, then install pinion shaft and rear bearing, collapsible spacer and front bearing.2. Install slinger (if equipped) and pinion oil seal, then insert pinion flange in seal and hold firmly in place against front bearing. From rear of housing, insert pinion shaft into flange.
3. Install pinion nut. While holding pinion flange, tighten nut only enough to remove bearing endplay. When an increase in pinion nut turning effort is noted, stop tightening pinion nut. Rotate pinion several times in both directions to seat bearings.
4. Continue to tighten pinion nut in very small increments, then, every so often, using suitable inch lbs. torque wrench, measure pinion rotational torque. The rotating torque must not exceed specifications. Do not exceed specified preload torque. Do not loosen pinion nut if preload torque is exceeded. If preload torque is exceeded, remove pinion nut, yoke, oil seal, slinger (if equipped) and collapsible spacer. Replace collapsible spacer and oil seal with new ones and repeat procedure.
^ Minimum torque required to tighten pinion flange nut to obtain correct pinion bearing preload 190 N.m (140 lb-ft)
^ Pinion bearing preload
Original bearing 11-19 N.m (8-14 lb-in)
New bearing 23-37 N.m (16-29 lb-in)