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Automatic Headlamps/Delayed Exit

The Automatic Headlamps/Delayed Exit (AUTOLAMP) circuit automatically turns Headlamps and Exterior Lamps on and off when the ON-OFF control in the Autolamp Time Control Switch is set to ON.

Automatic Lamps

A Light Sensor/Amplifier mounted on the top left dash panel senses darkness. As resistance of the photocell increases to a set value, the Light Sensor/Amplifier applies power to the Autolamp Dual Coil Relay, which turns on the lamps. A light emitting diode (LED) located in the Autolamp Time Control Switch lights when the autolamp is in use.

A Lamps-On Adjusting Screw sets the automatic lamps for EARLY or LATE. If it is necessary to have the Headlamps turn on earlier than the factory setting, turn the Lamps-On Set Screw toward EARLY. Turn the Lamps-On Set Screw toward LATE to have the Headlamps turn on later. Regular operation of the Headlamps from the Main Light Switch overrides the autolamp control.

Delayed Exit

The Delayed Exit system is turned on by moving the AUTO dial (on the Autolamp Time Control Switch) away from OFF position. Turning the dial toward MAX increases the resistance, which increases the length of time the lamps will stay on after the Ignition Switch is turned OFF.