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IC5 Air Compressor Component Check

^ It is desired to activate the Compressor Toggle functional test. In order to do this the following action is required.

^ Raise vehicle's hood up completely.

^ Release STAR test button so that it remains in the up HOLD position after code 32 has been displayed for at least 5 seconds.

NOTE: As long as STAR test button is in the up HOLD position the selected functional test will continue. The Compressor Toggle test is used to verify that the air suspension control module can activate the air compressor. This is done by cycling it ON and OFF continuously until STAR test button is depressed down again.

^ Air compressor is:

Cycling on/off continuously -- DEPRESS STAR test button so that it remains in the TEST position. This action will stop the Compressor Toggle functional test since it is no longer required. Then GO to IC17.

Air compressor remains off -- GO to IC5.