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Continuous Monitor Diagnostic Mode (Wiggle Test) Description

This test allows the Electronic Engine Controls (EEC) system to remain in a constant state of self-check while the technician checks for or attempts to recreate an intermittent fault.

While in the Continuous Monitor self-test mode any fault that occurs will trigger the Self-Test Output (STO) and store a continuous memory code. With an Analog Volt/Ohm Meter (VOM) connected to the STO circuit at the data link connector a fault will be indicated by a sudden needle deflection. If a scan tool is being used a beep will sound when a fault occurs.

This allows the technician to wiggle wires, connectors and lightly tap on components in an attempt to recreate intermittent faults while being provided with a continuous output from the EEC system.

This test may be conducted with the engine running or off. Refer to Continuous Monitor Diagnostic Test Mode (Wiggle Test). Continuous Monitor Diagnostic Test Mode (Wiggle Test)