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DN91 - Check Vehicle Harness For Intermittent Opens or Shorts

- Key "ON", engine "OFF".

- Digital Volt/Ohm Meter (DVOM) connected between test pin 27 and test pin 46 at breakout box.

- Grasp the vehicle harness closest to the EGR Valve Position (EVP) sensor connector. Shake and bend a small section of the EEC-IV harness while working toward the dash panel. Also wiggle, shake and bend the EEC-IV harness from the dash panel to the Powertrain Control Module (PCM).

- Is a fault indicated?

Yes -- Isolate fault and service as necessary. Clear continuous memory. Clearing Diagnostic Trouble Codes

Rerun quick test. Quick Test Appendix (Detailed Testing Instructions)

No -- Leave DVOM connected and go to DN92. DN92 - Check Voltage While Exercising EGR Valve