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KN2 - Fuel Pressure Regulator Solenoid Electrical Operation

- Key "ON", engine "OFF".

- Disconnect Fuel Pressure Regulator Control (FPRC) solenoid.

- Connect Digital Volt/Ohm Meter (DVOM) positive test lead to VPWR pin and negative test lead to FPRC circuit at the FPRC solenoid vehicle harness connector.

- DVOM on 20 volt scale.

- While observing DVOM depress and release throttle several times to cycle solenoid output.

- Does FPRC solenoid output voltage change greater than 1.0 volt?

Yes -- Reconnect FPRC solenoid. Remove jumper. Go to KN3. KN3 - Check Vacuum Between Manifold Vacuum and FPRC Solenoid

No -- Remove jumper. Go to KN7. KN7 - Check FPRC Solenoid VPWR