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ML25 - Continuous Code 529, "Check Engine"/"Check DCL"

Continuous Memory Diagnostic Trouble Codes 529 and 533 indicate that a circuit failure has occurred on the Data Communications Link (DCL). These codes can appear alone or in conjunction with one another. The messages "Check Engine" and/or "Check DCL" will also be on.

- Code 529 indicates the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) or Data Communications Link (DCL) circuit failure.

- Code 533 indicates a Data Communication Link to Electronic Instrument Cluster circuit failure.

NOTE: If vehicle will not start, perform Pinpoint Test AA1. AA1 - Identify Type of No Start

- Clear continuous memory. Clearing Diagnostic Trouble Codes

- Wait five minutes.

- Rerun Key On Engine Off Self-Test with a STAR tester or analog volt/ohmmeter. Quick Test Appendix (Detailed Testing Instructions)

- Is result 111-10-111 (Pass Codes)?

Yes -- Go to Instrument Panel, Gauges, and Warning Indicators for diagnosis.

No -- Self-Test indicates a fault. Go to Diagnostic Trouble Code Charts. Manufacturer Code Charts