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X106 - Check FPM Circuit

- Key "OFF".

- Disconnect Powertrain Control Module (PCM). Inspect for damaged or pushed out pins, corrosion, loose wires, etc. Service as necessary.

- Install breakout box, leave PCM disconnected.

- Key "ON", engine "OFF".

- Connect a test lamp between test pin 8 and test pin 37 at the breakout box.

- Observe test lamp for an indication of a fault while performing the following (the light will go out when a fault is found, indicating an open):

- Shake, wiggle, bend the Fuel Pump Monitor circuit between the splice into the power-to-pump circuit and the PCM.

- Is fault indicated?

Yes -- Isolate fault and service as necessary. Remove breakout box. Reconnect PCM. Rerun quick test. Quick Test Appendix (Detailed Testing Instructions)

No -- Go to X1O7. X107 - Check For Shorts to Power