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X130 - Check For Causes of Fast A/C Compressor Cycling

Continuous Memory Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) 381 indicates frequent A/C compressor clutch cycling.

To set DTC 381 the AC Clutch Supply (ACCS) input to the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) (Pin 10) must change states in less than 8.5 seconds, and do so at least 10 times with few "good" (>8.5 seconds) cycle times in between.

Possible causes:
- Mechanical A/C system concern (ex. low refrigerant charge, damaged cyclic pressure switch, etc.)
- Intermittent open between the Electronic Automatic Temperature Control (EATC) module and the Pin 10 input (ACCS) to the PCM.

- Refer to Heating and Air Conditioning to test A/C compressor clutch cycle times, and to check causes of fast clutch cycling.

- Is a fault indicated?

Yes -- Service as required. Clear continuous memory. Clearing Diagnostic Trouble Codes

Start engine and turn A/C on for about 2 minutes. Engine "OFF", A/C "OFF". Rerun quick test. Quick Test Appendix (Detailed Testing Instructions)

No -- Go to X131 (to check for intermittent electrical concern). X131 - Check For Intermittent Open Between EATC Module and PCM