Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Replacement of the Weld Nut and Reinforcement

1. Expose the suspect anchor point.

NOTE: If the safety belt anchor nuts or reinforcements are stripped or missing, a new nut/reinforcement plate must be installed.

2. Drill out two 8 mm (5/16 inch) diameter access holes adjacent to the weld nut clearance hole.
3. Thread a length of copper welding wire through the clearance hole and position to secure the weld nut and washer.
4. Use MIG wire feed welder and plug weld a M10 weld nut and standard washer in place at the two 8 mm (5/16 inch) holes.
5. Metal finish as necessary.
6. Install the restraint system.
7. Carry out the Functional Test. Functional Test