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Remote Entry or Other Feature Operation

1. Many questions have been raised about the RKE system and the Memory Seat feature association. The following information is here to explain the 3 different versions of "personality" Refer to these methods used to associate transmitters to memory seat/mirrors/pedal/steering column positions:

a. When transmitters are initially programmed to vehicle, the first transmitter will automatically recall memory position # 1. The second transmitter programmed will automatically recall memory position # 2. Remember, transmitters no longer have # 1 and # 2 labels on them and the customer should be told which transmitter was the first and second to be programmed. Or at least inform the customer how their system operates so there is no confusion. The transmitters cannot be disassociated with this implementation. (Example Windstar).

b. When the transmitters are programmed to vehicle, no automatic association to the memory seat/mirror/pedal/steering column positions will occur until set by the dealer or customer. The association of transmitters to the vehicle can be accomplished by pressing the Set button, followed by a button activation from the transmitter, followed by the memory position (1 or 2) the customer wishes to have it set to. The transmitters in this scenario can be disassociated if the customer wishes by pressing the Set memory switch, any button on the keyfob/transmitter and the Set memory switch again. (Example Town Car and LS).

c. The third personality implementation is just like "b" except the transmitters are associated to the vehicle when initially programmed. However, the customer or dealer may change those settings following the steps laid out in "b" Again, with this implementation, the transmitters may be disassociated from the vehicle.

2. Most (2001 & newer) vehicles equipped with Remote Entry, now allow Lock and Unlock functions to operate with the ignition on. However, flashing of exterior lights or sounding (chirps) of horn will not operate with the key turned to RUN or START.

3. On some 2001 and beyond vehicles, there is a feature called Power Door Lock Disable which becomes active 20 seconds after the vehicle is electronically locked. The feature disables the interior power door lock switches. This feature is used to prevent access into the vehicle if a moonroof or window is open and someone attempts to place a stick through the window to unlock the vehicle via the interior trim switch. The interior power door lock switches become operational again once the vehicle is electronically unlocked or a door becomes ajar. If the customer complains of intermittent interior power door lock functionality check to see if this feature is configured ON. If so, inform the customer of this feature and that it can be disabled if the customer wishes to change the configuration (refer to Owner's Guide). If not, pursue normal diagnosis.