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Valve Clearance Adjust

1. Remove the timing chains.

2. Note: Measure each valve clearance at base circle before removing the camshafts. The shims are not repairable with the camshafts in place. Failure to measure all clearances prior to removing the camshafts will cause unnecessary repetition of the procedure.

Use a feeler gauge to measure each valve clearance and record its location.
3. Remove the camshafts.

4. Remove the shims.

5. Note: The shims are marked for thickness; example: 2.22 mm = 222 on shim.

Note: The corrected shims allow the following valve clearances.
^ Intake valve clearance: 0.18 - 0.22 mm (0.00709 - 0.00866 inch)
^ Exhaust valve clearance: 0.23 - 0.27 mm (0.00906 - 0.01063 inch)

Note: A midrange clearance is the most desirable:
^ Intake: 0.20 mm (0.00787 inch)
^ Exhaust: 0.25 mm (0.01 inch)

6. Note: Select shims using this formula: required shim thickness = measured clearance plus the base shim thickness minus most desirable clearance.

Select shims and mark the installation location.
^ Replace the shims.
7. Install the camshaft.

8. Measure the new valve clearances.
9. Install the timing chains.