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Tests AC: LFC 47/DTC B1881/B1886 - Passenger Pretensioner Circuit Resistance High or Low

AC1 - AC2:

AC3 - AC5:

Normal Operation
The Restraints Control Module (RCM) monitors the resistance of the circuit to the passenger belt pretensioner. When the RCM detects a resistance that is out of the expected range (high or low) it will set Lamp Fault Code (LFC) 47 and Diagnostic Test Code (DTC) B1881 or B1886.

Possible Causes
An out of range resistance on the passenger belt pretensioner assembly circuit can be caused by:
^ damage to circuit 30S-JA34 (RD/BK).
^ damage to circuit 31S-JA34 (BK/RD).
^ damage to the passenger belt pretensioner.
^ an RCM internal concern.