Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Inspection and Verification

Certain axle and driveline trouble symptoms are also common to the engine, transmission, wheel bearings, tires, and other parts of the vehicle. For this reason, be sure that the cause of the trouble is in the axle before adjusting, repairing, or installing any new parts.

Flex Coupling Inspection
Check for visible reinforcing cords and signs of tearing, cracking, etc. If the flex couplings show signs of damage, inspect the rear axle mounts for cracking and tearing.

Driveshaft Center Universal Joint (Point) Inspection
Place the vehicle on a frame hoist and rotate the driveshaft by hand. Check for rough operation or seized U-joint The Joint is not serviceable. If required, install a new complete driveshaft assembly.

Driveshaft Center Bearing
Rotate the driveshaft by hand. If the bearing shows signs of roughness or is noisy, install a new bearing assembly.

Noise Acceptability
A gear-driven unit will produce a certain amount of noise. Some noise is acceptable and audible at certain speeds or under various driving conditions such as a newly paved blacktop road. Slight noise is not detrimental to the operation of the axle and is considered normal.