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Transmission Fluid Cooler and Tubes - Backflushing and Cleaning

Transmission Fluid Cooler - Backflushing and Cleaning


CAUTION: MERCON(R) V, MERCON(R) SP, Motorcraft Premium Automatic Transmission Fluid and Motorcraft Continuously Variable Chain Type Transmission Fluid are not interchangeable transmission fluids. The use of any transmission fluid other than what is recommended for this transaxle will cause transaxle damage. Refer to the transmission fluid specification for the correct transmission fluid.

CAUTION: Do not use water-based cleaners, mineral spirits, brake cleaner or solvents that may contain acetone, xylene or heptane to clean and/or flush the transaxle assembly, transaxle components or the torque converter, transaxle damage will occur. Use only clean transmission fluid designated for this transaxle.

1. Carry out backflushing with a suitable torque converter/fluid cooler cleaner. Test your equipment to make sure that a vigorous fluid flow is present before proceeding. Install a new system filter if flow is weak or contaminated.
2. To aid in attaching the cleaner to the transmission fluid cooler tube, connect 2 additional rubber hoses to the transaxle end of the transmission fluid cooler tube as follows:
1 Connect the cleaner tank pressure tube to the transmission fluid cooler return tube.
2 Connect a tank return hose to the transmission fluid cooler tube. Place the outlet end of this hose in the fluid tank reservoir.
3. Turn on fluid pump and allow the fluid to circulate a minimum of 5 minutes (cycling switch on and off will help dislodge contaminants in cooler system).
4. Switch off the fluid pump and disconnect the fluid pressure hose from the transmission fluid cooler return tube.
5. Use compressed air to blow out the cooler and tubes (blow air into the transaxle cooler return tube) until all fluid is removed.
6. Remove the rubber return hose from the remaining transmission fluid cooler tube.