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Intermediate Servo

Intermediate Servo

Servo Kit - 3.5L Engine

NOTE: Kit assembly part number is 7D027.


1. With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist.

2. Remove the screws and the underbody cover.

3. NOTICE: The servo cover is under pressure from the servo spring. Failure to use a jackstand can result in damage to the snap ring, servo piston, servo cover or the transaxle case.

Using an adjustable jackstand and a suitable tool, support the load of the servo spring and remove the servo snap ring.

4. NOTE: Transmission fluid will drain from the transaxle when removing the servo cover.

NOTE: If the servo cover is stuck in the bore, lightly tap on the servo cover to dislodge it from the bore.
Position a drain pan under the transaxle and slowly lower the jackstand to allow the servo spring to push the servo cover out of the bore. Remove the servo cover, servo piston and the servo spring from the transaxle case.

5. Using a pick, gently scrape the snap ring groove to clean the groove of any loose corrosion or debris.

6. Remove the servo spring and the servo piston from the servo cover.

7. Discard the servo cover.

8. Remove the O-ring from the piston.


1. Install 2 new O-rings on the new servo cover and lubricate them with clean transmission fluid.

2. Install a new O-ring on the servo piston and lubricate it with clean automatic transmission fluid.

3. NOTE: The piston will rest on top of the servo.
Position the servo spring on the piston and install the servo piston in the servo cover.

4. Position the servo in place in the servo bore.

5. NOTICE: Shake the servo cover when installing the servo to help align it in the bore or damage to the O-ring can result causing a leak.

NOTICE: Install the snap ring with the bevel facing down or the snap ring can come loose causing damage to the transaxle.

NOTE: Position the snap ring under the servo cover before positioning the tool used to push the servo in the transaxle case.
Using a suitable tool and an adjustable jackstand, compress the servo spring. Install the servo and the snap ring into the transaxle case with the snap ring gap facing the right (engine side) of the transaxle.

6. Inspect the snap ring to be sure it is fully seated in the snap ring groove. Be sure that the snap ring gap is facing right.

7. Install the underbody cover and the screws.

8. Slowly fill the transaxle through the transmission fluid level indicator tube with approximately 1.9L (2 qt) of clean transmission fluid.

9. With the transaxle in PARK, the vehicle on a level surface, the engine at idle (680-780 rpm) and foot pressed on the brake, move the selector lever through each gear and allow engagement of each gear. Place the selector lever back in the PARK position.

10. Wipe the transmission fluid level indicator with a clean cloth.

11. NOTE: In order to get an accurate transmission fluid level reading, the vehicle should be on a level surface. Idle the engine to reach the normal operating temperature. Using the scan tool, verify that the transaxle is at normal operating temperature 60°C-70°C (140°F-158°F), prior to adjusting the transmission fluid level.
If transmission fluid needs to be added, add transmission fluid in 0.25L (1/2 pt) increments through the transmission fluid level indicator tube. Do not overfill the transmission fluid. Install the transmission fluid level indicator back in the transmission fluid filler tube until it is fully seated, then remove the transmission fluid level indicator. The transmission fluid level should be at the upper most mark on the transmission fluid level indicator. Only fill to the upper most mark on the transmission fluid level indicator. Do not overfill. Damage to the transaxle will occur.

12. NOTE: The correct transmission fluid level at normal operating temperature of 60°C-70°C (140°F-158°F) is between the top 2 marks on the transmission fluid level indicator.
Fill the transaxle to the correct transmission fluid level.

13. NOTE: The correct transmission fluid level at cool operating temperature of 15°C-25°C (59°F-77°F), is at the bottom mark on the transmission fluid level indicator.
If the Transmission Fluid Temperature (TFT) is low, fill the transaxle with transmission fluid to the cold range on the transmission fluid level indicator. Recheck the transmission fluid level when the transaxle has reached the normal operating temperature.