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Radio - Reception Problem Using Scan Function


Category Applicable Model/s Subject Bulletin No.. 042/87
Issued 5/7/87
w/ETR Revised


If a customer chooses an FM station by using the scan function on the Electronic Tuning Radio (ETR), the scan may stop 0.2 MHz before the proper station frequency. This 0.2 MHz difference will mean poor reception and the customer may complain.

The problem occurs as follows:
(In this example, 101.5 is a valid FM station in the area)

Push SCAN "up" (triangle up symbol)... scan pauses at 101.3 but is trying to receive 101.5. Result is poor reception. If the customer pushes SCAN button again at this point to hold the station, tuner will remain at 101.3 and reception remains poor. If SCAN is pushed again to continue, scan pauses at 101.5 and reception is good.

In addition, if SCAN is "down" (triangle down symbol), a similar condition may occur as above. This time scan pauses at 101.7 but is trying to receive 101.5. Again, the result is poor reception.


The examples listed in this bulletin are caused by one or more of the following conditions:

1. A broadcast (desired) station sends out signals that are too strong.
2. A broadcast station sends out signals that are overmodulated.
3. The station that the ETR is trying to tune in is not adjacent on the radio dial to any other local station. For example, if 101.3 were occupied by another broadcast station, false selection would not occur at this point on the radio dial.

The customer may try to pick up a certain station using the scan function. However, in certain areas or conditions, the scan may pause before actually reaching a valid station. If the SCAN button is pushed again at this time to hold that invalid station, poor reception will likely result.

To avoid this kind of poor reception, the customer should fine tune the station by adjusting slightly up or down using the TUNE button. It is always best if the customer knows the exact frequency of the station he is trying to select. However, this fine tuning method will confirm the station frequency as well as the best reception.

If you need further technical assistance on this matter, call your authorized audio service station.