Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


Fig. 10 Bearing Cap Tightening Sequence:

1. Before installing the crankshaft, check main bearing oil clearance as follows:
a. Remove any foreign material and oil from the journals and bearings.
b. Install upper main bearings in the cylinder block.
c. Set the crankshaft in the cylinder block.
d. Apply Plastigage on top of the journals in the axial direction.
e. Install main bearing caps along with the lower main bearings according to the cap number and mark.
f. Tighten caps in two or three steps in the order shown in Fig. 10. Torque to specifications.
g. Remove the main bearing caps, and measure the Plastigage at each journal at the widest point for the smallest clearance, and at the narrowest point for the largest clearance. If oil clearance exceeds .0031 inch (.08mm), grind the crankshaft and use undersize main bearings.
2. Apply a liberal amount of engine oil to main bearings and journals.
3. Install main bearing caps along with the lower main bearings according to the cap number and mark.
4. Tighten caps in two or three steps in the order shown in Fig. 10. Torque to specifications. Ensure crankshaft rotates smoothly by hand.
5. Using a dial gauge, check crankshaft endplay.[ERROR-1] If endplay exceeds .0118 inch (.30mm), grind the crankshaft and use an oversize center main bearing.