Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Cylinder Block Assembly: Testing and Inspection

NOTE: Clean all parts, being sure to remove all gasket fragments, dirt and oil. Be careful not to damage the joints or friction surfaces of aluminum alloy components.

1. Inspect cylinder block for cracks, wall scoring and leakage damage. Using a straightedge, check block for distortion in six directions. Distortion allowance is 0.003 inch per 6 inches. If distortion exceeds maximum, replace cylinder block.

Fig. 13 Cylinder Bore Inspection:

2. Measure cylinder bore diameter in X and Y directions, at three levels (A,B,C) as shown in Fig. 13. Cylinder bore should be 3.7795-3.7825 inches.
3. Measure cylinder bore taper. If difference between measurements A and C exceeds maximum taper (.01 inch), rebore all cylinders to oversize diameter.
4. If difference between measurements X and Y exceeds maximum out-of-round limits (0.005), rebore all cylinder to oversize diameter.