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Inspection (On-Road)

Road testing is the final step of transmission tester use. This allows the transmission to be proven out electronically and hydraulically.

1. Preliminary set-up.
- Set tester BENCH/DRIVE switch to DRIVE mode.
- Set gear select switch to 1 position.
- Place vehicle in P (PARK).
- Start engine.
2. Check EPC solenoid.

Caution: Do not attempt to hold the EPC switch depressed (minimum line pressure) and stall the transmission, as damage may result.

- Observe line pressure. Record value.
^ Did line pressure rise to MAX pressure?
^ If no, perform EPC solenoid test or perform Symptom Troubleshooting.

3. Check engagements.
- Shift from P to R (REVERSE).
^ Did vehicle shift into R?
^ Was engagement firm?
- Shift from R to P.
- Depress EPC switch.
^ Did line pressure drop to idle pressure?
- While holding down the EPC switch, shift from P to R.
^ Did vehicle shift into R?
^ Was engagement smooth?
- Still holding down the EPC switch, shift from R to P. Release EPC switch.
^ Did line pressure rise to MAX pressure?
- Shift from P to D (DRIVE).
^ Did vehicle shift into D?
^ Was engagement firm?
- Shift from D to P.
- Depress EPC switch.
^ Did line pressure drop to idle pressure?
- While holding down the EPC switch, shift from P to D.
^ Did vehicle shift into D?
^ Was engagement smooth?
- Release EPC switch.

4. Check upshifts and downshifts.

^ Upshifts and downshifts will be firm during this procedure
^ Pressure gauges may be removed.
^ These tests should be performed on the road.
^ If performed on the hoist, it may not be possible to feel all shifts as they occur.
^ LEDs will turn GREEN when solenoids are activated.
^ LEDs will turn OFF when solenoids are deactivated.
^ Refer to the appropriate overlay for the proper status shift sequence during upshifts and down-shifts.

- Move gearshifts selector lever to D (DRIVE). Accelerate to 24 km/h (15 mph). Move gearshift selector lever to 2 (SECOND).
^ Did vehicle upshift to 2nd gear?
^ Did appropriate shift solenoids activate/deactivate?
- Accelerate to 40 km/h (25 mph). Move gearshift selector lever to D.
^ Did vehicle upshift to 3rd gear?
^ Did appropriate shift solenoids activate/deactivate?
- Accelerate to 56-72 km/h (35-45 mph). Depress transmission control switch (O/D ON).
^ Did vehicle upshift to 4th gear?
^ Did appropriate shift solenoids activate/deactivate?
- Reverse the order to check downshifts.
^ Did vehicle downshift from 4th gear to 3rd?
^ Did vehicle downshift from 3rd gear to 2nd?
^ Did vehicle downshift from 2nd gear to 1st?
^ Did appropriate shift solenoids activate/deactivate?
- Did the transmission pass all of these tests? If not, perform Symptom Troubleshooting.
5. Check torque converter engagement.

Caution: Do not depress torque converter clutch solenoid switch with transmission in gear and the vehicle at a stop. Damage to torque converter clutch may result.

Note: This test should be performed on the road. If performed on a hoist, feeling the torque converter clutch engage may not be possible.

- Accelerate and shift vehicle up into third gear. Hold speed steady and depress the torque converter clutch solenoid switch.
^ Does torque converter engage?
^ Does engine RPM drop?
^ Did torque converter clutch solenoid activate?
- Holding speed steady, release switch.
^ Does torque converter clutch disengage?
^ Does engine RPM rise?
^ Did torque converter clutch solenoid deactivate?
- Does the transmission pass these tests? If not, perform Symptom Troubleshooting.
6. Check turbine shaft speed sensor (TSS).

Note: This test may be performed on a hoist or on the road.

- Set voltmeter to 20 volts AC.
- Connect voltmeter positive lead to +TSS.
- Connect voltmeter negative lead to -TSS.
- Slowly accelerate vehicle and monitor voltmeter.
^ Did voltage increase with vehicle speed?

7. Check coast clutch engagement.

Note: This test should be performed on the road. If performed on a hoist, feeling the coast clutch engage may not be possible.

- Accelerate and shift vehicle up into third gear. Depress the coast clutch solenoid switch and immediately back off the throttle.
^ Did the coast clutch engage?
^ Did engine braking occur?
^ Did the coast clutch solenoid activate?
- Release the coast clutch solenoid switch.
^ Does the coast clutch solenoid deactivate?
^ Does the coast clutch disengage?
- Does the transmission pass these tests? If not, perform Symptom Troubleshooting.