Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


CAUTION: Do not correct a serious misalignment with one jacking operation. Align each section proportionately until the correct dimensions are obtained.

NOTE: To make sure of accurate measurements, remove all trim from the reference points to expose bare metal.

1. The dimensions of the underbody must be restored to provide the correct front and rear wheel alignment geometry.
2. All the dimensions are measured between the centers of the existing holes in the underbody unless otherwise specified.
3. Inspect all underbody structural members for cracks, twists or bends. Check all welded connections for cracks. Inspect the support brackets for looseness. Carry out any necessary repairs or install new components as necessary.
4. Underbody dimension tolerances are ± 3 mm (0.12 in).
5. To align or square a body, take two opposite diagonal measurements between pillars. Take measurements between reference points such as crease lines or weld joints, which are diagonally opposite each other on the two pillars being measured.
6. Due to the design and construction of the unibody vehicle, it is important to monitor the upper body structure while making any corrections to the underbody structure.

Underbody Dimensions:

7. The dimensions shown are symmetrical.