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Piston & Connecting Rod

Fig. 12 Piston & Connection Rod Assembly:

1. Assemble tools 49G030043 and 49G030042, or equivalent, to piston pin and apply engine oil to pin.
2. Place piston on tool 49G030041 or equivalent with F mark facing upward, Fig. 12.
3. Set connecting rod in piston with oil hole in large end opposite F mark.
4. Press piston into piston pin and connecting rod until tool 49G030043 contacts tool 49G030041. If pressing force is less than 1100 lbs. or more than 3300 lbs, replace piston pin or connecting rod.
5. After pressing pin into piston, hold piston head and raise crankshaft end of connecting rod until rod contacts piston. With connecting rod contacting piston, release crankshaft end of connecting rod. If connecting rod does not drop by its own weight, replace piston and connecting rod assembly. Repeat this procedure for all piston and connecting rod assemblies.

Fig. 13 Oil Ring Installation:

6. Install three piece oil rings as follows:
a. Apply engine oil to oil ring spacer and rails.
b. Install oil ring spacer so that opening faces upward.
c. Install upper and lower rails. Upper and lower rails are identical. Each rail can be installed with either face upward.
7. Check that both rails are expanded by the spacer tangs as shown, Fig. 13, by checking that both rails turn smoothly in both directions.

Fig. 14 Compression Ring Installation:

8. Using piston ring expander, install second ring to piston first, then install top ring, Fig. 14. Rings must be installed with R mark facing upward.
9. Apply liberal amount of clean engine oil to second and top piston rings.
10. Position opening of each ring as shown, Figs. 13 and 14.