Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Condition D

Condition D: Door Glass Drop

1. Use a business card as you would a feeler gauge to check for looseness (gaps) between the door glass and weatherstrip. The weatherstrip should press firmly against the glass around the entire door frame. Areas that do not form a tight seal between the glass and weatherstrip may allow the glass to drop thereby causing air leaks.

2. With the window in the down position, remove the following parts according to Workshop Manual procedures section S:

a) Black Plastic Inner Sail Garnish

b) Window Frame Weatherstrip

3. Remove the weatherstrip to access the glass run channel frame.

4. Carefully bend the weatherstrip frame slightly outward (1/16") to increase the pressure of the weatherstrip against the glass. Use a sheet metal bending tool (Snap-on P/N VP8R or equivalent).

Protect the painted surface of the vehicle by wrapping the metal bending tool with cloth or foam.

5. Install removed parts in the reverse order of removal.

6. Recheck the weatherstrip using the business card insertion technique.