Repair Procedure
1. Verify customer complaint.2. Remove intake air hose and related parts and disconnect the solenoid connector.
3. At the valve body harness (transmission side), measure the resistance across the terminals as shown.
4. Compare the resistance value to the resistance specifications in the table above.
^ If there is no continuity, or sensor resistance is out of specification, replace the valve body harness (coupler) with modified part. Proceed to STEP 7.
^ If within specification, proceed to STEP 5.
5. Check for continuity between each terminal and transaxle case.
^ If there is no continuity, no problem exists in the transaxle fluid temperature sensor. Refer to troubleshooting procedures in the Workshop Manual for MIL stored in PCM.
^ If there is continuity to ground, proceed to STEP 6.
6. Remove the transaxle oil pan. Inspect the transaxle fluid temperature sensor wires for shorts against the metal clip which is attached to the control valve body as shown. If the wires are exposed due to insulation being worn away at the clip, wind the newly established part (tube) around the damaged location. Then, confirm there is no continuity between each terminal and the transaxle case.
^ After protective tube is installed to wiring, make sure tube is located under metal clip.
^ If there is no continuity, proceed to STEP 8.
^ If there still is continuity, a short circuit exists at another location within the harness. Replace the valve body harness (coupler) with a modified part. Proceed to STEP 7.
7. Install a modified solenoid valve body harness (coupler) using the following steps.
A. Disconnect the valve body harness from the valve body.
B. Remove valve body.
C. Remove manual plate and related components as necessary.
^ Study component arrangement before disassembly.
D. Remove valve body harness from transaxle case by depressing two tabs and push harness down through transaxle case.
E. Install modified valve body harness, manual plate and related components.
^ After installing modified valve body harness, be sure the protective tube is located under metal clip.
8. Install remaining parts in reverse order of removal.
9. Verify repair.