Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


^ Engine Coolant And Engine Oil At Specified Level; Spare Tire, And Tools In Designated Position.

^ Adjust To The Median When Carrying Out Wheel Alignment.


Maximum Steering Angle:
Inner 37° ± 3°
Outer 32° ± 3°

Total Toe-in:
Linear 3 ± 4 mm (0.12 ± 0.16 inch)
Degrees 0° 17' ± 0° 23'00

Empty - 1/2 Tank Of Gas -0° 42' ± 1°
1/2 - Full Tank Of Gas -0° 43' ± 1°
Maximum Difference Between Left and Right 1.5°

Empty - 1/4 Tank Of Gas 2° 13' ± 1°
1/4 - 3/4 Tank Of Gas 2° 12' ± 1°
3/4 - Full Tank Of Gas 2° 11' ± 1°
Maximum Difference Between Left and Right 1.5°

Steering Axis Inclination:
Standard 15° 02'


Total Toe-In:
Linear 3 ± 4 mm (0.12 ± 0.16 inch)
Empty - 1/2 Tank Of Gas 0° 20' ± 0° 23'
1/2 - Full Tank Of Gas 0° 17' ± 0° 23'

Empty Tank Of Gas 0° 03' ± 1°
1/4 Tank Of Gas 0° 01' ± 1°
1/2 Tank Of Gas -0° 02' ± 1°
3/4 Tank Of Gas -0° 04' ± 1°
Full Tank Of Gas -0° 06' ± 1°
Maximum Difference Between Left and Right 1.5°

Thrust Angle:
Standard 0° ± 0° 48'