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10. Parking Mechanism


1. Disassemble in the order shown in the figure, referring to Disassembly Procedure.
2. Assemble in the reverse order of disassembly, referring to Assembly Procedure.

Disassembly Procedure

1. Remove the actuator support.

2. Remove the snap ring and remove the parking assist lever.

3. Remove the parking pawl.
1. Remove the snap ring.
2. Pull out the parking shaft, and remove the spring and parking pawl.

Assembly Procedure

1. Install the parking pawl
1. Install the parking pawl and shaft.
2. Install the spring and snap ring.

2. Install the parking assist lever and snap ring.

3. Install the actuator support.

Tightening torque: 10.8 - 13.7 Nm (110 - 140 kgf-cm, 96 - 121 inch lbs.)