Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

20. Transaxle Unit (Assembly)



1. Select the adjustment shim(s), referring to Bearing Preload.
2. If the drive plates or 2-4 brake band are replaced with new ones, soak the new part in ATF for at least two hours before installation.
3. Before assembly, apply ATF to all seal rings, rotating parts, O-rings, and sliding parts.
4. All O-rings, seals, and gaskets must be replaced with the new ones included in the overhaul kit.
5. Use petroleum jelly, not grease, during reassembly.
6. When it is necessary to replace a bushing, replace the subassembly that includes that bushing.
7. Assemble the housing within 10 minutes after applying sealant, and allow it to cure for at least 30 minutes after assembly before filling the transaxle with ATF.

Bearing And Race Locations


Assembly Procedure

1. Align the bearing cover with guide bolts as shown and press it in. Install and tighten the mounting bolts.

Tightening torque: 10.8 - 13.7 Nm (110 - 140 kgf-cm, 96 - 121 inch lbs.)

2. Press the bearing race into the converter housing.

3. Assemble the SSTs.

4. Install the idler gear and output gear by tapping in with a plastic hammer.

5. Install the selected shim(s) and bearing race into the bearing housing by using the SST.

6. Install the bearing housing.
1. Install the bearing housing on the converter housing, and tighten the bolts evenly and gradually.

Tightening torque: 28 - 34 Nm (2.8 - 3.5 kgf.m, 21 - 25 ft. lbs.)

2. Align the slot of the idler shaft with the mark on the bearing housing.
3. Tap a new roll pin in by using a pin punch and a hammer.

7. Install the 2-3 accumulator piston.
1. Install the orifice check valve spring and orifice check valve.
2. Apply ATF to new O-rings and install them into the 2-3 accumulator.
3. Install the 2-3 accumulator piston.

Tightening torque: 7.9 - 10.7 Nm (80 - 110 kgf-cm, 70 - 95.4 inch lbs.)

8. Install the bearing race into the converter housing.
9. Install the differential.
10. Install the selected shim(s) and bearing race into the transaxle case.

11. Install the manual shaft and manual plate.
1. Install the manual plate, spacer, washer, and nut.
2. Tighten the nut to the specified torque.

Tightening torque: 42 - 54 Nm (4.2 - 5.6 kgf-m, 31 - 40 ft. lbs.)

3. Install the bracket.

Tightening torque: 7.9 - 10.7 Nm (80 - 110 kgf-cm, 70 - 95 inch lbs.)

4. Install the detent ball, spring, washer and plug. Tighten the plug.

Tightening torque: 11.8 - 17.6 Nm (120 - 180 kgf-cm, 105 - 156 inch lbs.)

5. Move the manual shaft and verify that the parking pawl operates correctly.

12. Install the output shell to the output gear, and install the thrust bearing onto the output shell.

Thrust bearing outer diameter: 71.0 mm (2.80 inch)

13. Apply a light coat of silicone sealant to the contact surfaces of the converter housing and the transaxle case.
14. Install new O-rings into the converter housing.
15. Install the transaxle case on the converter housing, and tighten the bolts evenly and gradually.

Tightening torque: 38 - 51 Nm (3.8 - 5.3 kgf-m, 28 - 38 ft. lbs.)

16. Install the SST into the differential side gears.

17. Install the SSTs to hold the turbine shaft.

18. Install the turbine shaft and 3-4 clutch assembly.
1. Assemble the turbine shaft and 3-4 clutch assembly.

2. Verify that the thrust bearing and race are properly installed.
3. Install the turbine shaft and 3-4 clutch assembly into the transaxle case.

19. Adjust the SST position so that it contacts and holds the turbine shaft.

20. Install the internal gear.
1. Install the internal gear to the output shell.
2. Install the snap ring.

21. Install the carrier hub assembly.
1. Verify that the thrust bearing and bearing race are installed in the correct position.

2. Hold the turbine shaft with one hand to prevent it from rotating.
3. Install the carrier hub assembly into the 3-4 clutch drum by rotating it.

22. Install the friction plate.

23. Install the one-way clutch 2.
1. Hold the one-way clutch 2 horizontally.
2. Install it by turning the carrier hub assembly counterclockwise.
3. Install the snap ring.

24. Install the band servo to the transaxle case.
1. Install the servo return spring and band servo.
2. Compress the servo by using the SSTs.
3. Install the snap ring.
4. Remove the SSTs.

25. Install the piston stem.
26. Loosely tighten the piston stem by hand.

27. Install the anchor strut.

28. Install the 2-4 brake band in the transaxle case, and interlock it to the anchor as shown.

29. Install the small sun gear and one-way clutch 1.
1. Verify that the thrust bearing and bearing race are installed in the correct position.

2. Install the small sun gear and one-way clutch 1 assembly by rotating it.

30. Install the clutch assembly.
1. Verify that the thrust bearing is installed in the correct position.

2. Install the clutch assembly by rotating it.

31. Measure the height difference between the reverse and forward drum and the transaxle case. If the height is not within specification, reassemble beginning with step 22.

Height difference: 0.7 - 1.9 mm (0.028 - 0.075 inch) max.

32. Install the new snap ring into the bottom ring groove of the turbine shaft.

33. Use the following procedure to adjust the total end play and select a suitable bearing race.
1. Set the thrust bearing onto the clutch assembly.

2. Remove the bearing race and the oil pump gasket.
3. Set the thickest bearing race (2.2 mm (0.087 inch) onto the oil pump.
4. Set the oil pump onto the clutch assembly.

5. Measure clearance A between the transaxle case and the oil pump. Take several measurements and calculate the average value.

6. Select a suitable bearing race from the chart.
7. Remove the oil pump.
8. Place the selected bearing race and a new gasket onto the oil pump.

9. Install the oil pump onto the clutch assembly, and tighten the bolts evenly and gradually.

Tightening torque: 19 - 25 Nm (1.9 - 2.6 kgf-m, 14 - 18 ft. lbs.)

10. Install the oil pipe.

34. Adjust the 2-4 brake band.
1. Loosen the locknut and tighten the piston stem to the specified torque.

Tightening torque: 11.8 - 14.7 Nm (120 - 150 kgf-cm, 105 - 130 inch lbs.)

2. Loosen the piston stem 1.5 turns.
3. Hold the piston stem and tighten the locknut to the specified torque.

Tightening torque: 25 - 39 Nm (2.5 - 4.0 kgf-m, 19 - 28 ft. lbs.)

35. Install a new O-ring and oil strainer to the transaxle.

Tightening torque: 7.9 - 10.7 Nm (80 - 110 kgf-cm, 70 - 95 inch lbs.)

36. Install the magnets inside the oil pan in the positions shown in the figure.

Tightening torque: 8.4 - 10.7 Nm (85 - 110 kgf-cm, 74 - 95 inch lbs.)

37. Align the manual valve with the pin on the manual plate.

38. Install the control valve body into the transaxle case, and tighten the bolts evenly and gradually.

Tightening torque: 10.8 - 14.7 Nm (110 - 150 kgf-cm, 96 - 130 inch lbs.)

39. Install a new O-ring to the coupler assembly.
40. Install the coupler assembly.
41. Match the harness colors, and connect the solenoid connectors and Transmission fluid temperature sensor connector.

42. Install a new gasket and control valve body cover, and tighten the bolts evenly and gradually.

Tightening torque: 8.4 - 10.7 Nm (85 - 110 kgf-cm, 74 - 95 inch lbs.)

43. Install the steel ball, spring, oil pipe, and packing.
44. Install the connecting bolt.

Tightening torque: 32 - 47 Nm (3.2 - 4.8 kgf-m, 24 - 34 ft. lbs.)

45. Install the Input/Turbine speed sensor.

Tightening torque: 5.4 - 7.8 Nm (55 - 80 kgf-cm, 48 - 69 inch lbs.)

46. Install the Transmission range sensor.
47. Adjust the Transmission range sensor.
1. Connect an ohmmeter between the terminals (A) and (H).
2. Rotate the manual shaft fully counterclockwise, then return it two notches to the N position.
3. Adjust the switch to the point where there is continuity between the terminals.
4. Tighten the switch.

Tightening torque: 7.9 - 10.7 Nm (80 - 110 kgf-cm, 70 - 95 inch lbs.)

48. Remove the transaxle from the SST (transaxle hanger).

49. Install the ATF dipstick and oil filler tube along with a new O-ring to the transaxle case.

Tightening torque: 6.9 - 9.8 Nm (80 - 100 kgf-cm, 61 - 86 inch lbs.)

50. Install the oil pump shaft.

51. Install a new O-ring onto the turbine shaft.

52. If the torque converter has been drained and washed, hold the torque converter in an upright position and fill it with new ATF.

ATF type: M-III or Dexron II

53. Carefully install the converter to the torque converter housing. Rotate the torque converter to align the splines.

54. To ensure that the torque converter is installed accurately, measure distance A between the end of the torque converter and the face of the converter housing.

Distance A: 15.36 mm (0.605 inch)