Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

On Vehicle Inspection

Mechanical System Test Preparation
1. Engage the parking brake and use wheel chocks at the front and rear of the wheels.
2. Check the engine coolant.
3. Check the engine oil.
4. Check the ATF levels.
5. Check the idle speed and ignition timing in P position.

Line Pressure Test

WARNING: Removing the square-head plug when the ATF is hot can be dangerous. Hot ATF can come out of the opening and badly burn. Before removing the square-head plug, allow the ATF to cool.

1. Remove the square head plug shown in the figure.

2. Connect the SSTs (49 H019 002, 49 B019 901, and 49 0378 400B) to the line pressure inspection port.
3. Start the engine.
4. Shift the selector lever to D range and read the line pressure at idle.
5. Replace the SST (49 B019 901) to the 49 B019 902.

CAUTION: If the accelerator pedal is pressed for longer than 5 seconds while the brake pedal is depressed, -the transaxle could be damaged. Therefore, do steps 5 and 6 within 5 seconds of each other.

6. Firmly depress the brake pedal with the left foot, and then gradually depress the accelerator pedal with the right.
7. When the engine speed no longer increases, quickly read the line pressure and release the accelerator.
8. Shift the selector to N position and let the engine idle for 1 minute or more to cool the Automatic Transmission Fluid (ATF).
9. Read the line pressure at idle and at the engine stall speed for the remaining ranges in the same manner.
(1) 2 range
(2) 1 range
(3) R position

ATF temperature 60 - 70°C (140 - 158°F)
Turn off all electrical loads

10. Shift the selector lever to P position.
11. Turn off the engine.
12. Install a new square head plug in the line pressure inspection port.

Tightening torque 5.0 - 9.8 Nm (50 - 110 kgf-cm, 44 - 86 inch lbs.)

Evaluation Of Line Pressure Test

Stall Test
1. Start the engine.
2. Shift the selector lever to D range.

CAUTION: If the accelerator pedal is pressed for longer than 5 seconds while the brake pedal is pressed, the transaxle could be damaged. Therefore, do steps 3 and 4 within 5 seconds of each other.

3. Firmly depress the brake pedal with the left foot, and gently depress the accelerator pedal with the right.
4. When the engine speed no longer increases, quickly read the engine speed and release the accelerator pedal.
5. Shift the selector to N position and let the engine idle for 1 minute or more to cool the ATF.
6. Perform stall tests for the remaining ranges in the same manner.
(1) D range
(2) R position
(3) 2 range
(4) 1 range

Engine stall speed
ATF temperature: 60 - 70°C (140 - 158°F)
Turn off all electrical loads
2,000 - 2,500 rpm

7. Turn off the engine.

Evaluation Of Stall Test

Time Lag Test
1. Start the engine.
2. After normal operating temperature is reached, shift from N position to D range.
3. Use a stopwatch to measure the time it takes from shifting until shock is felt. Make three measurements for each test and average the results.
4. Perform the test for the following shifts in the same manner.
- N position -> R position

Time Lag
N position -> D range ... below approximately 0.9 second
N position -> R position ... below approximately 1.1 second

Evaluation Of Time Lag Test