Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Road Test Procedures

Road Test Preparation
1. Before testing, check and correct the engine coolant, engine oil, and ATF levels as necessary.
2. Warm the engine thoroughly to raise the ATF temperature to operating level (60 - 70°C (140 - 158°F)).
3. Check the idle speed and ignition timing in P position.

Typical Shift Diagram
D Range (O/D Off Switch Off, Normal Mode)

D Range Test
D Range (O/D Off Switch Off)

NOTE: The NORMAL mode and SLOPE mode are automatically selected by the powertrain control module. The powertrain control module is shift to SLOPE mode when the upgrade or downgrade is approximately 4% or more, and is shift to NORMAL mode when the upgrade or downgrade is approximately 2% or less.

1. Shift the selector lever to D range.
2. Accelerate the vehicle with half and wide open throttle.
3. Verify that 1 -> 2, 2 -> 3, and 3 -> 4 upshifts and downshifts are obtained. The shift points must be as shown in the diagram above.
4. Drive the vehicle in fourth, third, and second gears and verity that kickdown occurs for 4 -> 3, 4 -> 2, 4 -> 1, 3 -> 2, 3 -> 1, 2 -> 1, and that the shift points are as shown in the diagram above.
5. Decelerate the vehicle and verify that engine braking effect is felt in fourth and third gears.
6. Drive the vehicle and verify that torque converter clutch operation is obtained in fourth gear. (only for NORMAL mode)

D Range (O/D Off Switch On)
1. Shift the selector lever to D range and select the O/D OFF switch ON.
2. Accelerate the vehicle with half and wide open throttle.
3. Verify that 1 -> 2 and 2 -> 3 upshifts and downshifts are obtained.
4. Drive the vehicle in third and second gears and verify that kickdown occurs for 3 -> 2, 3 -> 1, 2 -> 1.
5. Decelerate the vehicle and verify that engine braking effect is felt in third gear.
6. Drive the vehicle and verify that torque converter clutch operation is obtained in third gear.

Noise And Vibration
Drive the vehicle in third gear (O/D OFF switch ON) and listen closely for any out of the ordinary noise or vibration. The torque converter, drive shaft, and differential can be sources of abnormal noise and vibration if they are not functioning properly. Check these when searching for sources of noise and vibration.

Shift Point

2 Range Test
Vehicle Without Traction Control System (TCS)
1. Shift the selector lever to 2 range.
2. Accelerate the vehicle with half and wide open throttle, and verity that second gear is held.
3. Decelerate the vehicle and verify that engine braking effect is felt.

Vehicle With TCS
1. Shift the selector lever to 2 range.
2. Accelerate the vehicle with half and wide open throttle, and verify the 1-2 upshift and downshift are obtained.
3. Decelerate the vehicle and verify that engine braking effect is felt in second gear.

Noise And Vibration
Drive the vehicle in second gear and listen closely for any out of the ordinary noise or vibration. The torque converter, drive shaft, and differential can be sources of abnormal noise and vibration it they are not functioning properly. Check these when searching for sources of noise and vibration.

Shift Point

Vehicle Without TCS

Vehicle With TCS

1 Range Test
1. Shift the selector lever to 1 range.
2. Accelerate the vehicle with half and wide open throttle, and verify that first gear is held.
3. Decelerate the vehicle and verify that engine braking effect is felt.

Noise And Vibration
Drive the vehicle in first gear and listen closely for any out of the ordinary noise or vibration. The torque converter, drive shaft, and differential can be sources of abnormal noise and vibration if they are not functioning properly. Check these when searching for sources of noise and vibration.

Shift Point

P Position Test
Shift into P position on a gentle slope, release the brake, and verify that the vehicle does not roll.
