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Clear Continuous DTC Self-Test Procedure

About the Continuous DTC Self Test: Continuous DTC access is also a functional test of the powertrain control system. The continuous self-test is always active. The test consists of all the OBD II monitors and the comprehensive component monitor and is designed to detect failures contributing to driveability and emission concerns. As pant of the an OBD Test, the technician may perform a specific drive cycle before running the OBD Test. This is necessary to detect certain faults not tested during other self-test operations. All self-tests are menu driven in the NGS Tester.

- The first test to run is Read/Clear Continuous DTC Self-Test. Record the DTCs on a piece of paper and proceed to the KOEO Self-Test.
- The purpose of recording the continuous Ducts at this time to make sure they are not unintentionally cleared during any KOEO or KOER service. KOEO and KOER codes are always addressed before continuous codes.

1. Perform the "New generation star (NGS) tester hook-up procedure".
2. Perform the "Reading DTC Procedure".
3. Move the cursor to READ/CLEAR CONTINUOUS DTCs. Press the trigger key to enter this selection.
4. Turn key on. Press START.
5. Follow operating instruction from the menu.
6. If there are DTC(s), refer to Diagnostic Trouble Code Table for further diagnosis information. After repairs, clear DTCs. Press "C-ALL" (key #7) button and press trigger.
7. If there are no codes, press CANCEL. Perform KOEO Self-Test.