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Using Leak Tester

1. Perform the following SST (Evaporative Emission System Tester MZ254AT3641) self-test:

NOTE: If the tester does not work correctly during self-test, refer to the tester operators manual for more detailed self test procedures.

1. Verify the gas cylinder valve is closed and the control valve located on the tester is in the TEST position. All tester displays should be off at this time.

2. Connect the long hose (part of SST) to the tester.
3. Connect the manifold assembly (part of SST) to the long hose as shown.
4. Open the gas cylinder valve and verify the gas cylinder regulator left gauge reads 10 to 12 psi (preset at factory).
- If not, refer to the tester operators manual to contact tester manufacturer.

5. Press the ON/OFF switch to turn on the SST and make sure the left display reads 0.0.
6. Turn the control valve on the tester to the FILL position.
7. Verify the left display reading is within 13.9 to 14.0 inches of water.
- If not, adjust the pressure using the regulator knob located on the right side of the tester.

8. Turn the control valve to TEST position and press the START switch.
9. After the 2-minute countdown (left display) is completed, the right display shows the total pressure loss for that period. A 0.5 inch of water loss is acceptable on the self-test.
- If the loss is more than 0.5 inch of water, do one or more self-test. If the failed test repeats, check for leak using the ultrasonic leak detector (part of SST).

2. Press the RESET switch to set the left display reading to 0.0.
3. Connect the fuel cap test adapter (part of SST) to the manifold assembly and fuel-filler cap from the vehicle. If the fuel-filler cap is not a genuine part, replace it.

4. Connect the threaded test adapter (part of SST) to the manifold assembly and fuel-filler neck.
5. Connect the WDS or equivalent to DLC-2.
6. Turn the ignition key to ON (engine OFF).
7. Close the canister drain cut valve (CDCV) using ON BOARD DEVICE CONTROL function.

- The CDCV is closed for 10 minutes unless the following any action is done:
- The engine is started.
- The ignition key is turned to OFF.
- The fuel tank pressure sensor signal exceeds 6.43 kPa {48.3 mmHg, 1.9 inHg}.

8. Turn the control valve to the FILL position.
9. Wait (maximum 40 seconds) until the left display reads 13.5 to 14 inches of water.
- If the reading is slightly below, adjust it using the regulator knob.
- If the reading is far below, the EVAP system has large leak. Check for leak (using the ultrasonic leak detector if necessary) and repair.

10. Turn the control valve to the TEST position and press the START switch.
11. After the 2-minute countdown (left display) is completed, check the test result (the failed/passed light on the tester).
- If the green light turns on, the EVAP system is OK.
- If the red light turns on, the EVAP system has leakage. Check for leak using the ultrasonic leak detector) and repair.

12. Close the gas cylinder valve.
13. Turn the control valve to the FILL position.
14. Press the ON/OFF switch to turn off the tester.