Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Component Tests and General Diagnostics

Air Gap Inspection

NOTE: Perform the following test only when directed.

1. Verify that the CKP sensor is installed properly.

2. Measure the air gap between the crankshaft pulley teeth and the CKP sensor using a feeler gauge.
- If not as specified, replace the CKP sensor or inspect the crankshaft pulley teeth for being twisted and/or chipped.
- If any of the crankshaft pulley teeth is twisted and/or chipped, replace the crankshaft pulley. (See Crankshaft Pulley Removal Note.)

Specification: 0.5 - 1.5 mm {0.020 - 0.059 in}

Resistance Inspection

1. Disconnect the CKP sensor connector.

2. Measure the resistance between the CKP sensor terminals A and B using an ohmmeter.
- If not as specified, replace the CKP sensor.
- If CKP sensor resistance is okay, but PID value or PCM terminal 21 and 22 voltage are out of specification, carry out the "Circuit Open/Short Inspection".

Specification: Approx. 550 Ohms

Circuit Open/Short Inspection
1. Remove the PCM.

2. Connect the SST (104 Pin Breakout Box) to the PCM as shown.
3. Tighten the connector attaching screw.

Tightening torque
7.9 - 10.7 N.m {80 - 110 kgf.cm, 69.5 - 95.4 in.lbf}

4. Inspect for an open or short circuit in the following wiring harnesses by probing the applicable sensor and SST (104 Pin Breakout Box) terminals with ohmmeter leads.
- If there is an open or short circuit, repair or replace wiring harnesses.
- If there is no open or short circuit, replace the CKP sensor.

Open circuit
- CKP signal circuit (CKP sensor connector terminal A and PCM connector terminal 21)
- CKP signal circuit (CKP sensor connector terminal B and PCM connector terminal 22)

Short circuit
- CKP signal circuit (CKP sensor connector terminal A and PCM connector terminal 21 to GND)
- CKP signal circuit (CKP sensor connector terminal B and PCM connector terminal 22 to GND)

5. Reconnect the CKP sensor connector.