Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Component Tests and General Diagnostics

Resistance Inspection

NOTE: Perform the following test only when directed.

1. Disconnect the CMP sensor connector.

2. Measure the resistance between the CMP sensor connector terminals A and B using an ohmmeter.
- If not as specified, replace the CMP sensor.
- If CMP sensor resistance is okay, but PID value or PCM terminal 85 and 86 voltage are out of specification, carry out the Circuit Open/Short Inspection".

Specification: 0.95 - 1.25 kOhms

Circuit Open/Short Inspection
1. Remove the PCM.

2. Connect the SST (104 Pin Breakout Box) to the PCM as shown.
3. Tighten the connector attaching screw.

Tightening torque
7.9 - 10.7 N.m {80 - 110 kgf.cm, 69.5 - 95.4 in.lbf}

4. Inspect for an open or short circuit in the following wiring harnesses by probing the applicable sensor and SST (104 Pin Breakout Box) terminals with ohmmeter leads.
- If there is an open or short circuit, repair or replace wiring harnesses.
- If there is no open or short circuit, replace the CMP sensor.

Open circuit
- CMP signal circuit (CMP sensor connector terminal A and PCM connector terminal 85)
- CMP signal circuit (CMP sensor connector terminal B and PCM connector terminal 86)

Short circuit
- CMP signal circuit (CMP sensor connector terminal A and PCM connector terminal 85 to GND)
- CMP signal circuit (CMP sensor connector terminal B and PCM connector terminal 86 to GND)

5. Reconnect the CMP sensor connector.