1. Verify that the seat belt is installed properly with no twists or kinks.
2. Verify that there is no damage to the seat belt and no deformation of the metal fittings.
ELR (Emergency Locking Retractor)
1. Verify that the seat belt can be pulled out smoothly, and that it retracts smoothly.
2. Verify that the seat belt retractor locks when the seat belt is pulled quickly.
3. Remove the seat belt. (See SEAT BELT REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
4. While pulling the seat belt out, verify that the seat belt does not lock when the seat belt retractor is tilted slowly up to 15° from the mounted position and locks when the seat belt retractor is tilted 40° or more.
Load Limiter Retractor
1. If the vehicle has been subjected to a shock in an accident, pull the seat belt from the seat belt retractor and confirm that there are no wear tracks (the load limiter has not operated) by visually inspecting and feeling the seat belt.
Shoulder Anchor Cleaning
1. Remove the seat back bar garnish (front). (See SEAT BACK BAR GARNISH REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
2. Remove the quarter trim. (See QUARTER TRIM REMOVAL/INSTALLATION.)
3. Wipe off any dirt on the sliding part of the shoulder anchor and seat belt using a soft cloth dampened with mild detergent diluted in water (approx. 5%).
4. Install the removed parts.