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Remote Control Key With Transponder, Purpose/Design/Function

Remote Control Key With Transponder, Purpose/Design/Function

Radio remote control for electric central locking (CL) and anti-theft alarm (ATA) as well as drive authorization

The remote control key contains a radio frequency transmitter and a transponder

Radio remote control
When a button on the remote control key is pressed the key sends a radio signal to the all-activity module (AAM) (N10). This signal contains the alternating code and the key number for identification the remote control key as well as the instruction to be executed. The alternating code and key number are stored in the remote control key transponder.

The transponder in the remote control key consists of an electronic circuit with memory and a coil at the front of the key handle. The transponder coil (L11) on the ignition lock is the counter-part. When the remote control key is inserted into the ignition lock data is exchanged by means of induction between the coils (transformer principle).