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GF82.70-P-2005A Telephone Switch-on/Off Characteristics (D-Net), Function

GF82.70-P-2005A Telephone Switch-on/Off Characteristics (D-Net), Function
- with CODE (854) MB cell phone

Switch-on/off characteristics of the D2B telephone (cell phone)
The behavior of the D2B telephone in the D2B ring depends exclusively on the status of circuit 15 (ignition ON/OFF). Information concerning the status of circuit 15 is sent to the telephone interface (A34/4) by the Head Unit (COMAND/radio) via the D2B ring. The telephone interface (A34/4) has no electrical connection to circuit 15 and switches the cell phone on or off as ordered by the Head Unit via the D2B ring or an external wake-up line.

After switching off the ignition, the telephone interface (A34/4) and thus the telephone remain switched on for a run-on time of t = 10 min and are then switched off. It is possible to program a different run-on time (t = 1 - 60 min).

System characteristics
The telephone interface (A34/4) has 3 operating conditions.
- Power-down mode
Interface is switched off except for the external wake-up line.

- Idle mode or run-on time mode
The remaining components of the D2B ring are switched off, only the interface remains active for t = 10 min (preset) after the D2B ring has been switched off (ignition OFF).

- Active mode
The interface as well as the remaining components of the D2B ring are active and available to the user.

Switch-on process
1st current status: Ignition ON, telephone interface (A34/4) is in inactive status (power-down mode), telephone system is not operational.

The telephone interface (A34/4) is activated (active mode) if:
- a cell phone that is switched on is inserted in the cell phone holder
- a cell phone inserted in the holder is switched on
- a call is made or received with the cell phone inserted and switched on
- a wake-up signal from another D2B ring subscriber is recognized via the external wake-up line

2nd current status: Ignition OFF, telephone interface (A34/4) is in the run-on phase (idle mode) and D2B ring is in inactive status (switched off)
The telephone interface (A34/4) is activated (active mode) if:
- a call is made or received with the cell phone inserted and switched on
- a wake-up signal from another D2B ring subscriber is recognized via the external wake-up line

Switch-off procedure
The telephone interface (A34/4) is in the run-on phase (idle mode) and the D2B ring is switched off.

The interface remains switched off as long as no cell phone is inserted or an inserted cell phone is switched off.

The following cases are possible depending on the status of circuit 15:
- Circuit 15 ON
After the run-on time of t = 10 min (preset) elapses, the interface switches itself off (power-down mode). In this case, the status of the inserted cell phone does not change, meaning that a cell phone that is inserted and switched on remains switched on and is not switched off by the interface.

- Circuit 15 OFF
After the run-on time of t = 10 min (preset) elapses, the interface switches itself off (power-down mode). In this case, the status of the inserted cell phone changes, meaning that a cell phone that is inserted and switched on is switched off by the interface.

When the D2B ring is deactivated, the telephone interface (A34/4) is switched off if no cell phone is inserted or an inserted cell phone is not switched on. The interface remains active for the shut-off delay time when a switched on cell phone is plugged in.