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GF82.61-P-4001C Destination Guidance In Non-Digitalized Map Area, Function

GF82.61-P-4001C Destination Guidance In Non-Digitalized Map Area, Function
- with CODE (353) Audio 30 APS

When traveling outside of the digitized map area (e.g. company grounds, parking buildings, dirt roads,...), however still within the DVD map boundaries, the navigation processor switches over to "navigation system in non-digitized map area".

On the radio (A2) display the following message appears:

If the vehicle is also outside the DVD map limit, the following message appears:

In both cases, only basic location finding is accomplished with correction using the GPS data.

A (limited) route guidance can be conducted only with specification of the:
- Distance from the destination as the crow flies
- Direction to the destination (as an arrow)

After reentering the digitized map area, the system automatically continues with "navigation system in digitized map area" . The possible streets/roads on which the vehicle may be located are determined with the aid of GPS location finding. During this process a slight delay in the route guidance may result.

The road data of several Central European countries are stored on the navigation DVD, so that the "OFF MAP" message will not appear, if borders between the stored countries are crossed. No special foreign country DVD has to be inserted.