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GF77.20-P-3001GH Sliding / Pop-Up Roof Position Measurement, Function

GF77.20-P-3001GH Sliding / Pop-up Roof Position Measurement, Function
- with CODE (414a) Electric glass sliding/pop-up roof

Position measurement for the is sliding/pop-up roof (M12) accomplished by means of two Hall sensors integrated into the evaluation electronic module. One rectangular pulse is generated each time the motor rotates one turn. The two pulse sequences resulting from rotation of the motor armature are offset chronologically to one another. This offset allows the evaluation electronic module to recognize the direction of rotation of the motor. The evaluation electronic module also increases or reduces the value of the position counter with each pulse. The value in the position counter is increased when the pop-up roof closes or the sliding roof opens. It is decreased when the pop-up roof opens or the sliding roof closes.

The position "pop-up roof open" is defined as the "0" position, this means that when the pop-up roof is completely opened the counter should read "0". The "0" position can be set with the synchronization function.

In the synchronized state the evaluation electronic module for the sliding /pop-up roof (M12) continuously compares the current value of the position counter with the stored end positions while the roof is moving. If one of these end positions is reached, it switches off the motor (pre-lock-up switch-off).