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ETS Notes on Towing, Test and Repair Work

Electronic Traction System (ETS) Notes on Towing, Test and Repair Work

There is a lack of servo assistance when the engine is not running. Considerably higher forces are then required for braking and steering.
When towing with the front or rear axle raised: Ignition OFF

Transporting on a transporter or trailer is preferable to towing. If the vehicle has to be towed we recommend using a tow bar.

The following instructions must be followed:

Axles not raised:
Key in ignition lock in position 1
Automatic transmission selector lever in position "N"
Towing speed max. 50 km/h
Towing distance max. 50 km

This can result in transmission damage if the max. towing speed or max. towing distance is exceeded.

One axle raised:
Ignition OFF otherwise ETS/ESP control

Only tow with propeller shafts disconnected at the flanges over longer distances or If there is transmission damage.

Tow starting
The engine cannot be emergency-started by towing.

Test and repair work
The brake system is bled or the brake fluid is changed as on vehicles with ABS. Special or ETS/ESP bleeding is not required.

Using roller dynamometers
Brake test bench
Testing the parking brake:
Ignition OFF otherwise ETS/ESP control

Function test bench or chassis dynamometer and speed testing
Only possible on 2-axle roller dynamometers

Vehicle has permanent all-wheel drive.
3 differential gears are used as differentials which may be damaged by the extent of the difference In speed and above all by prolonged differences in speed.

Handling ETS/ESP parts on vehicles following an accident
If, due to the extent of the damage to the vehicle or the position and external appearance of the hydraulic unit after the accident, it can be seen that the hydraulic unit has received a heavy blow, it is to be replaced.
Indications of this are for example:
Hydraulic lines kinked
Connections at hydraulic unit leaking
Electric cables or plug connections damaged
Metal block of hydraulic unit shows signs of damage
Hydraulic unit has sprung out of the mounting and cannot just be installed again

If this does not apply, the system must nevertheless be subjected to a thorough function check. Solenoid valves and pumps must be checked using the corresponding test steps of the Hand-Held Tester and Diagnosis Data.