Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Notes on Brake Fluid

^ Do not allow the brake fluid to come into contact with the paintwork of the vehicle as it contains elements which act as a solvent on the paint. Should brake fluid come into contact with the paintwork despite all precautions having been taken, the moistened area should be rinsed immediately with plenty of water (do not attempt to rub off brake fluid).

^ Brake fluid is greatly hygroscopic, in other words it absorbs moisture from the air, as a result of which the boiling point is lowered. For this reason, brake fluid must only be stored in closed and properly sealed containers (original cans).

^ Used brake fluid must not be re-used.

^ Brake fluid is colorless to yellow in color and therefore may be easily confused with mineral oil products. For this reason, always pour brake fluids out of the original cans and store it separately from mineral oils and other fluids.