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Lethal Injuries Are Possible if Vehicle Slips off Lift

Lethal Injuries Are Possible
Align Vehicle between lifting platform columns and position the four hoisting plates beneath the lifting platform mounting points specified by the vehicle manufacturer.

Risk Of Fatal Injury
Failure to pay attention to the following accident risk information may result in fatal injury.

Risk Of Accident
Accidents may occur if lifting platform arms and/or their hoisting plates are unevenly or inaccurately aligned, or if vehicle components are being supported or lifted.

Risk Of Sliding Off
There is a risk of tilting due to uneven weight distribution after the removal of components and axles.

Protective Measures/Rules Of Conduct
^ Align the vehicle between the lifting platform columns in the longitudinal and lateral directions.
^ When supporting components ensure that vehicle does not lift from seating plates of lifting platform.
^ Position seating plates on lifting platform lifting points at same height level.
^ Raise vehicle slightly (wheels still on ground), check that seating plates are correctly positioned on lifting points of vehicle before raising completely.
^ Before removing axles and components, secure vehicle on lifting platform and/or compensate weight with sandbags.

In Germany the "Trade Association Regulations (BGV) D29 for Lifting Platforms" and the "Guidelines of Lifting Platform Manufacturers" must be observed.
In other countries, the "Accident Prevention Regulations" and the current legal requirements, where available, are to be observed as well.